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DACS WN Series A Broad Range of Checkweighers DACS-WN-003 DACS-WN-003 with air-jet compensation** During standby: Manual compensation by touch key Max. (E) TR 04.14. Working with you every step of the way helpline 4 spares 4 service 4 training. Our extensive R&D investment is directedCommunication interfaces with a host computer, Ishida integrates the DACS-WN and other Ishida equipment. Manual compensation by touch key. Consult Ishida Europe Limited's DACS-G Checkweighers brochure on DirectIndustry. 1,500g 0.2g Weighing Range ± 0.5g ± 0.9g ± 1.6g L: 46mm - 400mm W: 20mm The Excellence-Line checkweigher can be built to a specification that meets production requirements. Weight Compliance. Approved in accordance with WELMEC and Ishida Dacs G Series Lineup Length Width Height Model WeighingCapacity Download Ishida Manual PDF Dacs G Checkweighers 6 PageHeat Control. Shown here with integrated with an ISHIDA DACS-GN checkweigher. This function prevents the test procedure from disturbing the productivity of the line. (15 ~ 94 m/min.) During operation: Continuous automatic dynamic compensation** During standby: Manual compensation by touch key. Max. 100 items. IP-30 ( V ISHIDA. DACS-W- 012. : . 0.0. LG. This new state-of-the-art checkweigher combines versatility and flexibility with even greater accuracy and high speeds. Using sensitive, reliable Ishida loadcells, and fitted with a special. DSP (Digital Signal Processing) chip and Anti Floor Vibration. (AFV) technology, the DACS
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