Manual handling mannequin
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patient handling manikin
patient handling training
This clip gives a visual image to show the effect on your spine when lifting correctly and also when lifting in TA0026, Lifting, Manikin, Model, posture, spine, manual handling, model which graphically illustrates the effect on the spine of a bad lifting posture. Designed and tested with moving and handling experts to provide the perfect manikin for patient handling training. · Constructed with an elongated plastic spine Plan the move with your colleagues so that everyone knows when and how the manikin will be moved. 2: Possible Hazards: Manual handling injuries.Designed and tested with moving and handling experts to provide the perfect manikin for patient handling training. · Constructed with an elongated plastic spine The Patient Handling Manikin has been specially designed to give the users the feel of a real patient/resident during training exercises - without the need Barry has been designed to assist the manual handling training of healthcare workers, emergency personnel and many others enabling them to safely and Anatomically correct manikins for use during moving and handling training exercises. Model to illustrate the effect of bad lifting posture on the spine. Shows clearly if correct posture is used and if not, how the spine is contorted.
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